Saturday, October 12, 2013

CLASS 2013 telah mengantikan CPL 1997

       Pada hari ini iaitu 11 Oktober 2013, Peraturan-Peraturan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (Pengelasan Pelabelan dan Helaian Data Keselamatan Bahan Kimia Berbahaya) Peraturan 2013 @ OSH (Classification, Labeling and Safety Datasheet of Hazardous Chemical) Regulations 2013 telah digazetkan untuk menggantikan OSH (Classification Packaging and Labeling of Hazardous Chemical) Regulations 1997. So update "legal register" anda dan bentangkan kepada jawatankuasa keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan di tempat kerja masing-masing untuk proses implementasi. Dapatkan maklumat lanjut dari pejabat JKKP berhampiran.

Dapatkan salinan softcopy CLASS 2013 di capaian di bawah:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Lagi ttg Safety Week 2011

Tema Safety Week kami tahun ini ialah: "Give Safety A Voice" - Bersuara Untuk Keselamatan. Chayok2...

Persiapan Minggu Keselamatan 2011

Fuh.... lepak sakan la.. nak buat safety week nie.. tengah sibuk memantau pemasangan khemah jemputan, jualan dan pameran.. moga2 dimudahkan urusan pelancarannya pada hari Isnin nie.. Kita orang akan sambut selama seminggu 17 - 21 Oktober setiap tahun. Namun tahun ini kita akan buat sekadarnya tapi berkesan.. tema kami tahun nie.. "Give Safety A Voice" - Bersuara Untuk Keselamatan.

Khemah2 dalam proses pemasangan

Moga2 dimudahkan urusannya

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Safety & Health - Back to basic

Salam buddy,
In safety we have a bunch of safety theory on how accident could happen. You may name it such as Heinrich's Safety pyramid theory,  multiple causes theory, Domino effect theory bla.. bla bla. Then we learned how to identify the immediate causes, basic causes and system needs. Finally we move towards hi-tech engineering control until rhetoric admin control.We spend more money day by day. But actually we always forgot that we are just a servant of Allah. Yes accidents can be prevented  but everything is under His control.

So lets back to basic.
1. Start your work with Basmallah.
(a) "Any work started without reciting bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim is without blessing" (Al hadith).
(b) Saying Bismillah Is Recommended Before Eating: The Prophet (saw) said, "Say Bismillah, eat with your right hand and eat what is in front of you." (Muttafaqun Alaih).
(c) Saying Bismillah Is Recommended When Leaving The House: The Messenger Of Allah (saw) said, "If anyone of you when leaving the house says In the name of Allah, I trust in Allah, there is no power and might except from Allah. Your needs shall be fulfilled, you shall be saved from difficulties and hardships. Shaitaan hearing these words leaves him." [Al-Tirmidzi] 

2. Pray to Allah for your safety. Examples of Dua' are such:



So let us return to basic of safety. Pray to Allah the Almighty. He will bless us and make us, our family, wife or fiancĂ©e, safe everyday, every where. InsyaAllah. Amin.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

CSR Program - Go Green Our earth!!

Salam Guys,
Last Saturday I was joined my company Go-Green Our Earth program. This program is a collaboration effort between KCers, local council and Impiana Garden residents. At around 100 trees was planted. Go-green KCers.. enjoy D'picture buddy :)

Safety Every day, Every Where

Badang Kg Dusun ???

Hot smiley

Cabut pokok ka???

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Safety Buddy

Guys welcome to my blog :) I have my own blog! After quite sometime, observing & dreaming. Finally "Safety Buddy" is coming. Why Safety? simply because that is my profession and Why buddy? because I would like to become your best friend, a person who have a close relationship in HSE world! So join me, let us share our live, our job and way in safety! Safety Buddy - Sharing Is Caring.